Labels:chat room | daily | earth | grass | reckoner | sky OCR: the communication LinFc the Internet elec "onic informat on <ilobyte. Baud Tine THe number of times rommunice changes level per second whil transmi:ting data BCC-Blind Courtccy Copy an copy of an E-Mai message cert Edge edditional recipient without the "ail.) the addressed recipient (See Binary file that A file trat holds inforroe ior in a you computer can 380 and unders an try to open suck file using a WOr ingless processing progr ram, you'11 see me signs. a83) ASC file.) Binex- Binary HEXadec imal es irto A method for converi .ing non- tEXt ternet ASUH recessary because ASCH E-Mail can on1y handle files that formati ted (See E-Mail) Bit- -Binary dig!T The smali Test uni of comput Abit is 8 single-digit number in t which can be ei:her oro (See kilobyte, megobyte.) BITNET mputers WAN netwo ...